SEA EMPOWERMENT is a specialized national resources transforming social network. It intends to serves as a centrifugal force, steaming from the sea or ocean, with the aims of unraveling, discovering, tackling, proffering solutions to maritime trends/challenges and repositioning it for prompt harnessing. Just as the sun radiates to the solar system, the sea or ocean is the radiation of energy to sea empowerment Objectives.

SEA EMPOWERMENT is an intellectual warehouse for socio economic transformations, set out to sanitizing and nurturing our God given marine heritages and potentials. Sea Empowerment is about the propagation for maritime wealth and well-being.  Sea Empowerment is a sea/ocean-transport focused and ideology driven organizations.  It crafts and promotes the doctrine of empowering the citizenry's, especially marine professionals and authorities via the maximization of sea resources, maritime transport skills and expertise. All this are achievable through a structured and articulated "global socio-economical enlightenment campaigns/program", propelled by a consortium of industry experts. Progressively, the Sea Empowerment intends to register itself as a 'breakthrough window of change to Maritime Sea abuses'. It is a 2050 vision Complementing ally to the realization quest for the integration of Africa maximization and marine domain by the maritime nations. Sea Empowerment shall consistently evolve the culture of “future sea history and maritime research innovations".

SEA EMPOWERMENT shall serve as the maritime practitioners guides worldwide. By extension, it will champion the crusade of righting the wrongs in the maritime and transport sector, as a way of contributing to its repositioning efforts.  It will also serves as a platform for harnessing the micro and macro green wealth for the evolutions of a blue economy. The Sea Empowerment, thrives with the attitude that strategic thinking makes the impossible a possibility, hence, it will channel its efforts in the socioeconomic and sociopolitical mindsets  to identifying the invisible, hear the inaudible, perceive the untouchable and thus receive and achieve the impossible.